The new Center Court on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard Geleen will be officially opened on 16 November.
With a view to the national charity collection of the Dutch Alzheimer Foundation this week, we speak to Pilar Martinez about her research.
Rodica Ernst (Udens College) and the META team, consisting of Plonie Nijhof (Hermann Wesselink College) and Joris Ghysels (Maastricht University) won the NRO education prize for their research on the META method they have developed.
Catalina Goanta, Gwen Noteborn and Bram Akkermans have, like last year, been shortlisted for the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards 2016 ( Last year Goanta, Noteborn and Akkermans where nominated for their efforts implementing wearables in the legal classroom,This year, two of their projects made the prestigious awards shortlist: "Implementing Wearables in the Classroom: Making IT Real” and “The SkillsChannel”.
On 7 November 2016, prime ministers Mark Rutte and Geert Bourgeois signed a strategic Dutch-Flemish research agreement governing close collaboration in the field of regenerative medicine. Clemens van Blitterswijk, university professor at the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine at Maastricht University, was a co-signatory on behalf of Maastricht University.
The administration of proteins during sleep is an effective way to promote muscle building (PhD conferral Bart de Groen).
Professor Marjan Peeters has delivered a presentation to the conference “Lessons from the evaluation of existing Emission Trading Schemes in China, Korea and the European Union for future design”
The International Relations (IR) section of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA) has selected Anna Herranz-Surrallés, Assistant Professor at FASoS, for the ‘2016 SWEPSA IR Rising Star‘ award.