De Universiteit Maastricht heeft nu officieel een beleidskader voor generatieve kunstmatige intelligentie (GenAI). Dit document licht UM’s positie ten opzichte van GenAI toe en geeft richtlijnen voor het verantwoordelijk gebruik ervan in onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsvoering.
This summer, the HeArt Ma’at racing crew ran Maastrichts Mooiste, the city’s largest annual running event. Their goal was to raise money for research into an art therapy for heart patients. Dozens of crowdfunding initiatives and hundreds of donations later, they managed to raise more than €55,000 for this special project at the intersection of art and science.
On 11 December 2024, the Globalisation & Law Network had the pleasure to welcome Dr Aleydis Nissen, Senior Research Fellow at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Assistant Professor at the University of Antwerp, who presented her research on global value chain regulation in the era of geopolitics.
The YOUTHreach study will evaluate and implement three very promising existing interventions to support young people with mental health challenges.
Maastricht University has secured over €400,000 in funding for the development of Coll-a-Gen, a synthetic, animal-free alternative to collagen. If successful, this project could herald a breakthrough in medical treatments, ranging from advanced wound healing to biocompatible implants.
NWO grants 3 million euros to researchers, among them at Maastricht University, to ensure timely availability of innovative technologies for the Einstein Telescope.
Read the NUTRIM Special Holiday Edition Newsletter with the highlights of 2024
Maastricht University is partnering with Medlands Parkstad, an initiative that aims to foster innovation and nurture talent in the field of medical technology.