The DNA of soldiers who develop symptoms of PTSD after deployment to a war zone gives them less protection against traumatic experiences.
Gastric ulcer drug shown to have alternative application (MUMC+ news).
ITEM-researcher reflect on the 'refugee crisis' in Europe from their expertise.
From 7-8 June 2017, the URB@Exp project consortium held a final conference in the city of Graz, Austria to present and discuss the results of this 3-years transdisciplinary research project co-funded by JPI Urban Europe.
Eva van Diggelen, Arts and Culture alum, has been working since 2015 as a curator at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, where she curates very diverse exhibitions. That broad orientation was also in her study programme and has been a common thread throughout her life.
The Maastricht Study specialises in conducting microcirculation measurements
Prof. Dr. Frank Thuijsman discusses KE@Work on Dutch Radio 1 (interview in Dutch)
We are pleased to announce that leading energy and chemicals company Saudi Aramco, is supporting a research programme on the Sustainability of Biobased Materials in a circular economy, at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM).