Knowledge Engineering received the Quality Seal “Top Rated Programme” for the third consecutive year from Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs 2016!
The Executive Board of Maastricht University wishes to observe a moment of silence with students and staff from France for the tragic events that have taken place in Paris and in other places hit by terror attacks.
The Executive Board of Maastricht University is deeply shocked by the attacks in Paris. Our thoughts go out to the French people, families and friends of the victims of these horrifying acts of violence and to our French students and employees.
During the annual Student Research Conference (SRC) organized by the VSNU on November 11th Health Sciences student Guna Schwanen received the Student Research Award for the best bachelor research of the Netherland and Flanders in the category ‘law, economy and society’.
On Friday 13 November, Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet paid a working visit to Maastricht University
De Universiteit Maastricht ondertekent op 2 november een Energie Akkoord met de Gemeente Maastricht.
With effect from 1 January 2015 your pension build-up has been reduced. The consequence of this is that staff with a full-time annual income of over €100,000 will receive a lower pension when they retire, and the pension benefits payable on the death of an employee will also be reduced.
How should Limburg respond to the refugee situation and how do refugees fare in Limburg? These are the key questions that will be addressed during the Limburg Refugee Debate on 25 November 2015.
he ‘UNESCO Science Report, Towards 2030’ has been launched in Paris on 10 November. Professor Luc Soete, Rector Magnificus at Maastricht University is one of 35 authors of the report and lead author of the Executive Summery.
Christine van Basten-Boddin will be the new mayor of Beek. It is expected that she will succeed Ralf Krewinkel in the beginning of next year.