On 28 June, eight UM bachelor's students will obtain their qualification for teaching secondary education, thanks to an Educational Minor that started at the beginning of this academic year. From July, these students will officially be able to teach at secondary schools in the Netherlands.
On 14 May 2019 the jury of ‘Stichting Beer impuls’ awarded the 2019 thesis prize to author Valérie Beulen and the winning department, Maastricht University. More information only available in Dutch.
Originally from Australia, Melanie Feeney's career path includes the completion of a master's degree in sustainability in Sydney, research on sustainable business in remote and rural Australia and Southeast Asia as well as a role as Education Development Officer at UM. Building on her extensive experience, Feeney has decided to now focus her research on how organisations transition towards sustainability, under the umbrella of the SBE research theme Sustainable Development.
For the European Horizon 2020 innovation project MaTHiSiS, researchers taught machines how to teach you by learning from watching you learn.
Gladys Akom Ankobrey recently joined the platform by KNAW and 'De Jonge Akademie', Faces of Science. This week her first blog was posted.
On the eve of Europe Day, to celebrate awareness and cooperation in Europe, ITEM (UM) and UHasselt signed their cooperation covenant.
PhD thesis written by Elvira Loibl.
The last half-century has witnessed the emergence of a transnational illegal market in adoptable children. Numerous cases have been uncovered whereby children from the Global South were purchased or kidnapped from their families or orphanages in order to meet the high demand for adoption among couples and individuals in the Global North.