C.A.M. Mulder, A Self-Study Guide for the Pre-Examination of the EQE : Part I: The Legal Questions (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, The Cross‐Referenced Patent Cooperation Treaty (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, Inagural lecture - The patent deadlock : The never-ending story of patent harmonisation (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
The commission that rules over the grant distribution states that “the proposed project has the goal to systematically enhance global citizenship and social engagement”. They also say that they are convinced of the knowledge and skills of the applicant and his diverse project team. €1.500.000 euro has been divided between 6 applicants, of which Fonteijn is one.
A. Kamperman Sanders, C. Heath. Employees, Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants. (Kluwer Law International, 2017)
W. Giernalczyk, The Development of the Multilateral Trade Regime: Exploring Institutional Change, Wolfgang Giernalczyk (2018)
Y. Peng, Patenting human embryonic stem cell related inventions in China: A comparative perspective (2018)
P. Van den Bossche, W. Zdouc, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials, 4th edition (CUP, 2017)
ITEM has announced the dossiers for the 2019 ITEM Cross-border Impact Assessment. The Cross-border Impact Assessment is one of ITEM's core activities, which investigates the effects of existing and future legislation and regulations on the border regions.
Amoozeidi, S., The WTO Dispute Settlement System as a Legal Impediment to Iran’s Accession to the WTO (2017)