KNAW chooses Nozizwe Dube for Faces of Science

Faces of Science, a programme of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), is expanding to include 12 new young scientists. One of them is Nozizwe Dube, who is conducting PhD research on diversity and inclusiveness at the UM Faculty of Law.

On, dozens of PhD students blog about their research, science in general and their lives as scientists. The blogs are interesting for anyone who wants to know how science works in practice. They also give a realistic picture of science to students who have to decide whether they want to pursue a career in science, and to high school students from 5 and 6 VWO (pre-university education) who have to make a choice of study.

Faces of Science describes Nozizwe Dube's research as follows:

An assumption in anti-discrimination legislation and among judges is that people are discriminated against on the basis of one personal characteristic. In reality, people are sometimes discriminated against on multiple grounds simultaneously, as in the case of women from migrant backgrounds or women with disabilities. Nozizwe seeks solutions to give such 'intersectional discrimination' a place in justice, anti-discrimination legislation, and equality policies.

Nozizwe tutors Introduction to International and European Law at the UM Faculty of Law. She is also a member of the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights (MCfHR), the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR) and the Ius Commune Research School.

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