Kira Jürgens, Pharma Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Manager at Redcare Pharmacy

Alumna story Governance and Leadership in European Public Health
31 May 2024

Kira moved from Northern Germany to Maastricht for a Double Degree Programme between the University of Maastricht and Bremen. She combined her master’s 'Healthcare Provision, Management, and Economics’ with our international perspective on health in the master's ‘Governance and Leadership in European Public Health’. 

From public health volunteer to student

Kira: “After high school, I volunteered in South Africa as a health consultant. That experience piqued my interest in exploring the diverse healthcare systems worldwide, delving into how health organisations are managed, and understanding the intricacies of health policy decision-making and its consequences.” After working as a volunteer, Kira started her bachelor’s in Public Health at the University of Bremen.

While studying for her master’s, also in Bremen, Kira transitioned to the international perspective on public health at Maastricht University. “I was fascinated by the various modules such as 'Public Health Law' or ‘Diffusion, Implementation and Quality Assurance of Health Innovations’, and by the vibrant exchange with fellow students from across the globe.”

Turning interests into academic work

The knowledge gained from each module is directly applied to practical scenarios by creating policy briefs or opinion papers, for example. Students are offered considerable freedom in choosing their topics for these assignments, allowing them to implement their learning in areas of personal interest. The same applies to the master’s thesis. “I was a working student at Baxter International, so I focused my thesis on market access for digital medical devices. There are a lot of differences in standards and policies between countries, one unified European approach to implementing medical devices would be very cost-efficient for manufacturers.”

Compliant with standards and quality of care

Kira is a Pharma Assurance/ Regulatory Affairs Manager for Redcare Pharmacy - Europe's leading online pharmacy. “I oversee their regulatory compliance as an online pharmacy, ensuring Redcare adheres to strict national and international standards” 

Her responsibilities also include guaranteeing the highest pharmaceutical quality and safety for the customers and patients by assessing compliance and implementing guidelines/regulations such as the Medical Device regulation. “Studying GLEPH taught me to look at my work from a public health perspective. Even when we comply with national standards, I can advise Redcare on patients’ needs.”

A rewarding year

Maastricht's emphasis on real-world application allowed Kira to develop the skills needed to navigate regulatory landscapes in her current role. Moreover, the programme's comprehensive leadership training has empowered her to effectively lead teams and manage projects, qualities highly valued by her employer. “Not only professionally but also personally, this has been one of my most educational and rewarding years. I made friends for life from around the globe, and have a clear vision of my goals, which have been largely shaped by my time in Maastricht.

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