Economics researchers win Wetenschapsprijs 2016
A team of researchers at the Maastricht School of Business and Economics (SBE) won the Wetenschapsprijs 2016 (Science Award 2016) by MOA, the Center for Information Based Decision Making & Marketing Research. The winning article describes how marketers can obtain richer insights and better market segmentation in the context of pension communication by combining different data sources. The UM research team consists of Wiebke Eberhardt, Lisa Brüggen and Thomas Post. Chantal Hoet from insurance company Aegon is also part of the team.
MOA is an association of companies and institutions that focuses on market research, digital analytics, marketing intelligence and policy research. The winner of the Wetenschapsprijs is chosen based on articles published in the MOA Jaarboek (MOA Yearbook), in this case publications from 2016. In the article, 'Verschil moet er zijn: betere segmentatie door het combineren van databronnen' ('Making a distinction: improved segmentation by combining multiple data sources'), the authors describe their Retirement Belief Model, which identifies the factors that influence whether participants seek information about their pensions. The jury was enthusiastic about how the authors combined different data sources and praised the team for using the advanced Finite Mixture Segmentation Model in their article. This helped the authors identify three different segments of relevance to professional practice, which differ in terms of the variables that influence the decision to obtain information about pensions.
Additional information can be found at MOAwards
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