dr. Bert van den Braak appointed professor of Parliamentary History and Parliamentary Systems

On 1 December 2018, Bert van den Braak was appointed professor of practice of Parliamentary History and Parliamentary Systems. This professorship is housed within the Department of Public Law. 

Professor Van den Braak will teach Public Administration as part of the Master of Dutch Law. He will also be involved in the courses European and National Constitutional Law, Introduction to Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, and Constitutional and Administrative Law. In addition, he will co-organise the annual excursion to The Hague as part of the European and National Constitutional Law course, and supervise the student parliament team.

He will carry out his research as part of the Department of Constitutional Law at the Montesquieu Institute. He is considered a leading authority in the field of parliamentary history and parliamentary systems and has collaborated closely with the Montesquieu Institute in The Hague for many years. In 2017 he published a book about parliamentary history from 1946 to 2016 with Professor J.Th.J. van den Berg.


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