Agreement universities, universities of applied sciences and ministry signed

The Dutch universities, universities of applied sciences and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science signed an administrative agreement on 14 July 2022. In doing so, they focus on strengthening the fundamentals of research and higher education, provide space for diverse talent and increase their impact on society.

To strengthen the fundamentals, the ministry is investing in, among other things, sector plans at universities, 'starter and stimulation grants' for scientists and improving the quality of education. By paying more attention to equality of opportunity and student welfare, the three signatories are giving more room to diverse talent. By strengthening the transfer of knowledge from knowledge institutions, they to increase the social impact of research. A better connection between education and the labour market will also contribute to this. 

Read more in the joint message from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences. 


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