N. Tintarev

I am a Full Professor in Explainable AI at Maastricht University in the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) where I am the Director of Research. I am also a member of the Explainable AI (XAI) research theme, which is an interdisciplinary field of research focusing on providing explanations of AI-driven systems.


My research is funded by projects in the field of human-computer interaction in artificial advice-giving systems, such as recommender systems; specifically developing the state-of-the-art for automatically generated explanations (transparency) and explanation interfaces (recourse and control). These include projects a EU Marie-Curie ITN on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Currently, I am representing Maastricht university as a Co-Investigator in the ROBUST consortium to carry out long term (10-years) research into trustworthy artificial intelligence. I am also a co-lab director of the TAIM lab, working on trustworthy media, in collaboration with UvA and RTL. I regularly shape national (On NWO-ENW domain advisory committee Computer Science, the Informaticatafel) and international scientific research programs (e.g., on steering committees of journals, or as program chair of conferences), and actively organize and contribute to high-level strategic workshops relating to responsible data science, both in the Netherlands and internationally. I am a senior member of the ACM. I regularly examine PhD dissertations, and review both national (primarily NWO) and international grant proposals.