
Maastricht Observatory on Resilient, Responsible & Sustainable Enterprise and Economy

Research institutes

The Maastricht Observatory on Responsible, Resilient and Sustainable Societies, Economies and Enterprise (MORSE) is an initiative set up by Maastricht University which aims to mobilise and bring together researchers across Maastricht University and beyond around the challenge of building more resilient, responsible and sustainable societies, enterprises and economies in Europe and globally as three distinct but related challenges.

MORSE examines the need for adaptive or transformative arrangements in a changing world, specifically how enterprise, the economy and society can become more responsible, resilient and sustainable.

MORSE motivates and inspires researchers to work across disciplines and fields on complex, real-world questions, together with stakeholders. We call this Problem Based Research. By pooling the different expertises and via education, outreach and new research projects, MORSE aspires to having a visible and real-world impact in the transition towards resilience, responsibility and sustainability. MORSE closely works together with private corporations, NGO’s, representing organisations, the public sector and academic partners that all share a commitment to doing impactful research and making research impactful


The economics of Sustainability and Resilience

On 10 February, Prof Mark Sanders will discuss "The economics of Sustainability and Resilience" in a lecture organised by Studium Generale Maastricht University
One of the global challenges we face is to make the transition to a sustainable and resilient economy. What is sustainable development...

The economics of Sustainability and Resilience

Inside the ECB: A Journey into the World of Monetary Policy

Ever thought about how the European Central Bank (ECB) makes decisions that impact the whole European
economy? On October 9th, a group of roughly 80 ambitious students from the Financial Economics Master’s programme of Maastricht University got the rare chance to step inside the ECB and see the world...

european central bank

Maastricht University Students Present Policy Solutions at European Commission Conference

On October 18th, students from the Economics of Transition and Resilience course at Maastricht University had the unique opportunity to present their work at the 3rd Maastricht University/European Commission DG ECFIN European Student Conference on the Economics of Transition and Resilience, hosted...

european commission conference

SBE students at the second European Conference on the Economics of Transition and Resilience

On October 20th 55 SBE-students successfully pitched their policy proposals at the European Commission in the second European Student Conference on the Economics of Transition and Resilience. 

eoghan conference october

EFRAG offers internship opportunities in its financial reporting and sustainability reporting activities

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is offering internship opportunities in financial and sustainability reporting activities! EFRAG is a Non-Profit Organisation established in 2001 with two main activities in financial reporting and sustainability reporting.