Michael Faure (M.G.)


Comparative Private Law and Economics

Comparative and International Environmental (Criminal) Law

Tort Law

Insurance Law

Economic Analysis of (Accident) Law

Career history

Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M. studied law at the University of Antwerp (licenciate in law 1982) and criminology at the University of Gent (licenciated in criminology 1983). He obtained a Master of Laws from the University of Chicago Law School (1984) and a doctor iuris from the Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg im Breisgau.
He was first a lecturer and then a senior lecturer at the department of criminal law of the law faculty of Leiden University (1988-1999) and became academic director of the Maastricht European institute for transnational legal research (METRO) and professor of Comparative and International Environmental Law at the law faculty of Maastricht University in September 1991. He still holds both positions today.
In addition, he is academic director of the Ius Commune Research School and member of the board of directors of Ectil. Since the first of February 2008, he is half time professor of comparative private law and economics at the Rotterdam Insitute of Law & Economics (RILE) of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and academic director of the European Doctorate in Law and Economics (EDLE) programme.
Since 1982 he is equally attorney at the Antwerp Bar.