Leniency Committee Covid-19

Given the possibility that UM students may experience study delays because of Bachelor's/Master's programme adjustments as a result of the COVID-19 measures, the Executive Board has decided to set up a Leniency Committee COVID-19. UM students can request compensation for the extra tuition fees resulting from these programme adjustments, provided these fees have not already been or are being compensated by other UM/DUO/OCW compensation schemes.

The Leniency Committee COVID-19 will only process requests for tuition fees compensation that are directly related to programme adjustments as a result of COVID-19. The Committee will advise the Executive Board on the student's request. In principle, the Executive Board will email the student their decision within four weeks after the Complaints Service Point has received the request.

1. Who can submit a request?
Every student with an active enrolment at Maastricht University in the academic year 2019/20, or in the academic year 2019/20 and 2020/21, who has incurred additional tuition fees because of Bachelor's or Master's programme adjustments as a result of the COVID-19 measures that are not already compensated in any other way.

2. How can a request be made?
You can submit a request via the ‘COVID-19 Leniency Committee Application Form’.

The Application Form must be submitted with the following separate attachment(s):

  • The specific request for compensation of extra tuition fees for the months of the study delay (the amount in euros).
  • An explanation of how the additional tuition fees paid are attributable to the programme adjustments resulting from COVID-19 measures.
  • As much evidence as possible of the relevant programme changes and any relevant decisions by the Examination Board.

The completed application form with attachment(s) should be emailed to the Complaints Service Point (CSP): complaintsservice@maastrichtuniversity.nl

3. Until when can a request be submitted?
A request for the compensation of extra tuition fees incurred must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than two months after the additional tuition fees have been incurred.
Please note: No tuition fees can be waived; only additional tuition fees incurred can be compensated afterwards.