van Oosterhout, K., Bakens, J., & Cörvers, F. (2024). Can student aid policy alter spatial inequality in university enrolment? Evidence from a policy reform in the Netherlands. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. GSBE Research Memoranda No. 002
van Oosterhout, K., Bakens, J., & Cörvers, F. (2024). Can student aid policy alter spatial inequality in university enrolment? Evidence from a policy reform in the Netherlands. ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 001
van Oosterhout, K., Somers, M., Abbink, H., Smeets, C., & Wessling, K. (2024). Database beleidshervormingen in het Nederlandse primair en secundair onderwijs (2010-2021): Handleiding. ROA. ROA Technical Reports No. 001
Belfi, B., Allen, J., Jacobs, B., Levels, M., & van Oosterhout, K. (2022). Early career trajectories of first- and second-generation migrant graduates of professional university. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(10), 2415-2435.
van Oosterhout, K., Bakens, J., & Cörvers, F. (2021). Distance costs and university choice: What is the impact of a student aid reform. Paper presented at ECSR Annual Conference 2021.
van Oosterhout, K., Cörvers, F., & Bakens, J. (2021). Distance costs and university choice: What is the impact of a student aid reform. Paper presented at 60th ERSA Conference.
van Oosterhout, K., Cörvers, F., & Bakens, J. (2021). Distance costs and university choice: What is the impact of a student aid reform. Paper presented at 34th ERSA Summer School, Groningen, Netherlands.
van Oosterhout, K., Cörvers, F., & Bakens, J. (2021). Distance costs and university choice: What is the impact of a student aid reform. Paper presented at SBE PhD Brown Bag Seminar, Maastricht, Netherlands.
van Oosterhout, K., Cörvers, F., & Bakens, J. (2021). Distance costs and university choice: What is the impact of a student aid reform. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie 2021, Nijmegen, Netherlands.