Dr Katlijn Haesebrouck (K.)

Research projects

Working papers

  • The ripple effect: How managers’ affective reactions to manager-level controls have a contagious impact on subordinates. With Jasmijn Bol and Serena Loftus.
  • When does discretion over information acquisition motivate misreporting? The moderating effects of effortful information acquisition and the merits of management controls. With Willie Choi and Tyler Thomas.
Key publications
Haesebrouck, K., Cools, M., & Van den Abbeele, A. (2018). Status Differences and Knowledge Transfer: The Effect of Incentives. Accounting Review, 93(1), 213-234. https://doi.org/10.2308/accr-51765
More information about this publication
Haesebrouck, K., Van den Abbeele, A., & Williamson, M. (2021). Building trust through knowledge sharing: Implications for incentive system design. Accounting Organizations and Society, 93, Article 101241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2021.101241
More information about this publication
Haesebrouck, K. (2021). The Effects of Information Acquisition Effort, Psychological Ownership, and Reporting Context on Opportunistic Managerial Reporting. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(4), 3085-3112. https://doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12712
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