Dr Ir Joost Lumens (J.)

My research focuses on cardiac mechanics and hemodynamics in the normal and the diseased heart.


Specific areas of interest include interventricular interactions, electromechanical interactions, mechanical dyssynchrony, right ventricular (dys)function, and cardiac remodeling and their roles in pathologies such as dyssynchronous heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, pulmonary hypertension, and valvular heart disease.


My research approach typically combines computer modeling/simulation with experimental and clinical data to gain mechanistic insight in cardiac diseases and their treatments (e.g. cardiac resynchronization therapy). Importantly, translation of novel mechanistic insights into diagnostic, therapeutic and educational improvement is always pursued.


Cardiac Electromechanics and Hemodynamics; Computational Modeling/Simulation; Simulation-Based Clinical Decision Support; Signal Processing; Simulation-Based Physiology Education