Maud Huynen
Mattijsen JC, van Bree EM, Brakema EA, HuynenMMTE, Visser EH, Blankestijn PJ, Elders PND, Ossebaard HC (2023). Educational activism for planetary health—a case example from The Netherlands. Lancet Planetray Health,
Full CV: link
Maud Huynen (1978) holds Masters Degrees in Environmental Health Science (2001) and Epidemiology (2003) and a Ph.D. in the field of Global health. She is an assistant professor at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute- MSI (since 1998; former ICIS) and at Campus Venlo (since 2022).
Research: Maud has been involved in several European projects (e.g. EU-FP6 INTARESE, ERA-NET-project ENHanCE, EU FP7 VISION RD4SD and Erasmus+ NurSusTOOLKIT). In addition, she has been involved in several Dutch projects on climate change and health (e.g. ZonMw project 'Warm Aanbevolen'; 2021-2023). Currently, she works on the NWO-NWA project MANTRA (2022-2027; as project co-coordinator) and NWO project KIN-ACT (2024-2027; work package 3 lead).
Advisory work: Maud has been an expert advisor/reviewer/contributor on ‘climate change and health’ for the Health Council of The Netherlands (GR), the Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). She is the lead author of the 2019 ZonMw Knowledge Agenda Climate Change and Health. Currently, she is a member of the NWO-KNAW sub-taskforce ‘National Programme for Integrated Climate Research’ (in support of the development of the NWO-KNAW national initiative climate research- in Dutch: Klimaatinitiatief Nederland (KIN)), the ZonMw advisory group in support of the new research programme Climate and Health, the Transdisciplinary Advisory Board for JPI Climate, and the Scientific Advisory Board 'Herrijking van klimaatrisisco's voor Nederland'.
Teaching; In 2004-2011, Maud Huynen coordinated the teaching activities carried out by at MSI (former ICIS). As such, she has been highly involved in developing the MSc Sustainability Science, Policy and Society (SSPS). Between 2011-2021, she acted as the Chair of the SSPS Education Programme Committee. In addition, Maud has developed several BA and MSc courses for various Maastricht University programmes. She currently coordinates the MA course ‘Fundamentals of Sustainable Development’; the BA course ‘Sustainable Development’ at University College Maastricht, University College Venlo and the Maastricht Science Programme; the BA course ‘Climate change’ at University College Maastricht; and the BA course 'Sustainability and Health ' within the interfaculty sustainability minor.
Other: Maud is an enthusiastic member of GREENER. She is also involved in setting up the Planetary Health European Hub (regional Planetary Health Alliance Hub)
Research interest:
- Climate change and health
- Planetary Health
- Sustainability science
- Integrated environmental health impact assessment
- Education for sustainable development and (global) health
Teaching expertise
- Planetary health
- Sustainable development
- Climate change
- Sustainability Science