20 Feb
Studium Generale | Debate Cafe

What is the Price of your Privacy?

How Companies collect Data and what they do with it​

Your behaviour is analysed by every online purchase on Amazon, every search on Google or transaction with your credit card. Companies continuously collect data with every click you make and every cookie that you accept. What do they do with these data? Is access to the location of your phone really needed for the application you want to use? The line of privacy can easily be crossed. In today’s world, everybody faces a trade-off between privacy and convenience that is barely talked or thought about in everyday life.

In tonight´s Debate Café we are going to discuss about governance surveillance, data breaches, the role and responsibilities of companies, technological developments, the good side of data collection and data science, what you yourself can do about your privacy and much more.

So, join this diverse Debate Café on the price of your privacy and discuss with the expert panel about these issues!

Anna Berlee - Assistant Professor at the Molengraaff Instituut of Private Law, Utrecht University; PhD researcher Maastricht European Private Law Institute (MEPLI). Research interests: Property, Privacy & Data Protection, Internet of Things, Law and Technology, Fintech (including Blockchain) and Teaching Methods.
Paul Breitbarth – Director of Strategic Research and Regulator Outreach at Nymity, a Canadian privacy research organization, visiting fellow at the European Centre for Privacy and Cybersecurity at Maastricht University, member of the provincial Council in South Holland. 
Matthias Matthiesen - Senior Manager, Privacy & Public Policy, IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau). Responsible for European data protection and privacy policy.
Apostolis Zarras – Assistant Professor at the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University. Research interests include: systems, network, and web security. Zarras received his PhD in IT Security from the Ruhr-University Bochum. He also holds a M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Crete. Before joining Maastricht University, Zarras was a postdoctoral researcher at Technical University of Munich.

Cosimo Monda - Director of the Maastricht European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University.

The Debate Café covers important recent developments in science and society. It’s a meeting place for experts, researchers and students. The Debate Cafe will be held in an informal setting. A panel of experts will talk about their research and its relation to and impact on society. Everyone in the audience can go into debate with the panel and exchange views and ideas.

This Debate Cafe is organized by SCOPE and Studium Generale.




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