08 Dec
20:00 - 22:00
Maastricht, Working on Europe

What’s up Europe? – Spoken Beat Night

What does it mean to be European? And what's it like to grow up in England after Brexit? What makes someone European? During the first Spoken Beat Night in Maastricht, these questions will be explored by spoken word artist Jeannine Valeriano, guitarist Paul Palessen and two talented spoken word artists from across the channel: Madi Maxwell-Libby and Jacob Sam-La Rose.

In an age when dissatisfaction and rivalry dominate solidarity and unity in Europe, we attempt to find the heart of European identity. How do different generations, from both the UK and continental Europe, view a shared European future?

Spoken Beat Night is part of the Maastricht Europe Days '18 and an initiative of singer, author and spoken word artist Jeannine Valeriano. Valeriano plays with language and transforms words into music.

Together with musician and composer Maarten Ornstein, she composed a special European concert for the Forum on European Culture, which will be performed for the first time at Bonbonnière in Maastricht.

Madi Maxwell-Libby is a comedian, a spoken word artist and a Roundhouse Poetry Slam champion who was commissioned by the BBC to write a piece about Brexit.

Jacob Sam-La Rose is a writer and poet of British-Guyanese heritage. Sam-La Rose is a prominent name in the UK youth slam poetry scene. His collection of poems Breaking Silence, which bring contemporary England to life, was met with praise. 

Language: Dutch and English.

This programme by Maastricht, Working on Europe was developed in collaboration with De Balie, which produces programmes about art, culture and politics

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