18 Feb
09:00 - 12:00

Think Tank: Exploring further collaborations and partnerships on personalized nutrition and data science

Interdisciplinarity has become ever more important within academia. With this in mind, we are excited to announce a first introductory meeting to explore opportunities for further collaborations and partnerships between researchers from different departments and  Institute of Data Science (IDS) on the topic of “Personalized Nutrition” (PN).


The goal of this meeting is for colleagues across different departments at Maastricht University to introduce themselves and their work, to get to know each other’s research interests and to explore opportunities for research, funding and/or education collaborations.

We would like each of you to actively participate in this meeting by preparing 1 Powerpoint slide to briefly introduce yourself, your research interests and previous relevant research projects, networks, and experience. The main idea with this pitch is to help participants from the other departments identify opportunities to collaborate with you.

If you think that your work might add something valuable to the discussion, please indicate whether you would need more time (up to 5 minutes).

In addition, we would like you to already think about possible collaborations. If you have ideas, please do not hesitate to share them with us in your presentation.


Time Activity
08:45 Walk-in and welcome (coffee/tea and cake)
09:00 Welcome and set-up think tank meeting
Linda Rieswijk
09:10 Introduction and challenges from biological perspective to personalized nutrition
Michiel Adriaens
09:20 Introduction and challenges from biological perspective to personalized nutrition
Remzi Celebi
09:30 Pitches by researchers
10:30 Break (coffee/tea and cake)
10:45 Breakout session by subtopics and interests
11:45 Summary and action items
Moderators: Remzi Celebi, Linda Rieswijk and Michiel Adriaens
11:55 Closing remarks and follow-up
12:00 End of the event

Upload pitch

Please upload your pitch (in .ppt format and name then as “your-last-name_name-of-your-department” (e.g. Celebi_IDS) to our Google Drive.

Upload pitch now