11 Oct
14:30 - 16:00

TEIN online workshop: Training for cooperation: new ways of capacity building


Whether at the interregional, transnational or cross-border level, capacity building is necessary for successful territorial cooperation. Due to the digital transition, training formats and methods for actors of cross-border cooperation are rapidly changing.

Firstly, this workshop will present three concrete examples of online courses and trainings, confronting learners’ and trainers’ perspectives each time. Secondly, in a debate with the participants, the opportunities of digital training for local/regional authorities, associations and other stake-holders of cooperation as well as its limits and challenges will be discussed. Which new opportunities are arising in terms of accessibility, out-reach, and the use of innovative tools? Which new challenges do training providers face regarding commitment of learners, teaching methodolo-gies and digital skills? Finally, recommendations for the development of digital trainings in the field of territorial cooperation will be elaborated.

Download the programme here.


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