02 Dec

On-site Inaugural lecture Dr. Daisy J.A. Janssen

Appointed professor in Geriatrics, specifically with focus on personalized healthcare for patients with advanced chronic organ failure. 

"Strength in frialty"

The physician in geriatrics cares for frail older people and people with a chronic illness, irrespective of the care setting. Core values of geriatrics are improving quality of life, independence and autonomy. Therefore, conversations about advanced care planning and shared decision-making are core competencies. Having these conversations with genuine interest in the person behind their frailty reveals the resilience of people. This allows us to offer treatment and care, based on individual preferences and care goals. The physician in old age medicine works as part of an interdisciplinary team. These skills in conversations and collaboration require attention in medical education. Development in society ask for changes in treatment and care which reveal and support the strength of people with frailty as long as possible. As physicians in geriatrics, we need to be creative and powerful and contribute to these developments, based on our core values and expertise in: clinical care, education, research and visible in the society.

Click here for the full research.

Click here for the live stream.

Language: Dutch

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