07 Feb
14:30 - 15:30

SDG Seminar Series presents: Sustainability and Circularity (SDG 12)

During the week of the Circular Economy, our UM colleague Herman Wories will talk about dealing with the opportunities and challenges of achieving sustainable and circular value chains in practice. With his vast experience in the industry (a.o in food, farma, agro, chemicals and materials), Herman will discuss the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and leverage points that determine the future of circularity!

Come and join the conversation!

Date: Monday, 7th February
Time: 14:30 - 15:30 hours

Click on the green button to sign up for the event. The event can also be attended online. You'll receive the meeting link before the seminar.

For more information about this seminar, kindly contact Green Office or Sustainable UM 2030.

SDG 12

SDG Seminar series

The SDG seminars are intended to approach sustainability issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. In these SDG seminar series professionals in sustainability speak about the challenges and chances they face in practice. This is your chance to learn from their experience and to ask your questions! 
This seminar is related to SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production.

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