28 Jun

PhD conferral Mw. Anna S. Wollmann, LL.M

Promotor: prof.dr. G.R. de Groot
Co-promotor: dr O.W. Vonk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

‘Nationality Requirements in Olympic Sports’

Keywords: Nationality, Olympic Games, Sports, Nationality Requirements, Sport competitions, Athletes

Who may compete for a country at the Olympics? While the qualification rounds for the Rio Olympics received huge media attention, the underlying question regarding which country an athlete may compete for only makes headlines when prominent athletes change their country of representation. Nationality requirements are an issue that had yet to be brought to the forefront of public discussions, as most recent works focussed on only a fraction of the Olympic Sports.  This dissertation will be the first comprehensive work to shed light on this under-researched topic and has been published by Wolf Legal Publishers. It not only comprises a comprehensive overview of the different sports, but also analyses the different sporting regulations with regard to international standards of nationality law.