01 Mar

PhD conferral Ms Danyta I. Tedjo, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. A.A.M. Masclee, prof.dr. P. Savelkoul
Co-supervisors: dr. D.M.A.E. Jonkers, dr. J. Penders

“Microbiota profiling in gastrointestinal health and disease special focus on methodological and analytical approaches”

Keywords: microbiota, Crohn's disease, liver cirrhosis, obesity

This dissertation examines the role of intestinal microbiota (gut microbiota) in Crohn's disease, liver cirrhosis and obesity. The results show that microbiota composition in patients with Crohn's disease, morbid obesity and liver cirrhosis is different than the microbiota of healthy individuals and that these changes play a role in the severity of the disease. It can be concluded that determining the microbiota composition may be used in the future in the diagnosis and prognosis of these diseases.

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