29 Sep

PhD conferral Mr Lukas S. Figge, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. P. Martens
Co-supervisor: dr. A. Offermans

Key words: globalisation, sustainability

“Connectedness in times of Ecological Overshoot: a quantitative analysis of the sustainability of globalization”

This thesis sets out on a research journey to quantitatively assess the sustainability of globalisation and to gain insights into the main research question ‘to what extent is globalisation as a process and policy discourse sustainable?’ We find “a world out of balance” as the emerging qualification for all four issues of globalisation: definition and measurement, recent trends, its consequences and the social robustness of the policy discourse. Hence, we conclude that globalisation is not sustainable in its recent form and that it needs to go into new directions if it is to contribute towards all aspects of sustainable development.

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