07 Mar

PhD conferral Mr H.J.C. (Ricardo) Nieuwkamp, LL.M

Supervisor: prof.dr. P.J. van Koppen
Co-supervisor:  dr. R. Horselenberg

“Where I was and how I will prove it; on the believability of alibis“

Keywords: innocent suspects, alibi, evidence, memory

Innocent suspects are expected to prove their innocence by providing a credible alibi. However, only 2% of non-offenders are able to do so. Although detectives only find an alibi credible if it remains unchanged and it is supported by strong evidence, such as camera images, the alibi of non-offenders is usually supported by weaker evidence, such as a witness testimony. Non-offenders may also make a mistake or lie to cover up being with a mistress, for instance. When assessing a suspect’s alibi, detectives should therefore take into account the content of the alibi, the feasibility of obtaining (strong) evidence and the fallibility of memory.

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