Opera Zuid: Lady in the Dark

Studium Generale | Opera visit

Studium Generale and Opera Zuid are teaming up to offer students a unique opportunity to go to the opera – at a quarter of the normal price!

Liza Elliott, editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, has suffered from panic attacks and depression for months. The pressure at work and in her private life is too much. She can't decide between her married boss and lover Kendall Nesbitt and movie star Randy Curtis. Finally, she decides to see a psychiatrist. By analyzing her dreams, she gets to the heart of her problems and overcomes her doubts.
But this opera is more than a piece about the demands that life and society place on a woman. It will be visual spectacle with beautiful costumes based on fashion from the 1940s. And first and foremost it is wonderful musical theatre composed by the great Kurt Weill with imaginative dreams and beautiful songs.

The opera is performed in English with Dutch subtitles. It is a co-production of Opera Zuid and Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg. With support from the Kurt Weill Foundation for Music.

Prior to the opera, there will be an introduction in English at 18:30.

In cooperation with Opera Zuid

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