Myths and misconceptions around migration
Migration and migrants are ‘hot topics’ in the news, media and policy. Most people think they have a good idea about the issue and many have strong opinions. However, the topic area is plagued by myths and misconceptions about who a migrant is, the effects of migration, how we can manage it, and so on.
This lecture by Professor Melissa Siegel will discuss some of the most common myths, misconceptions and realities in the area of migration, including where policy often goes wrong (lecture in English).
About the speaker
Melissa Siegel is professor of Migration Studies and head of Migration Studies at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT. She co-directs the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), currently holds the chair of the UNU Migration Network, is a research associate at COMPAS at the University of Oxford, and is member of the advisory board of the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute. She has advised, worked on and headed projects for several governments and international organisations. Her main research interests lie in the causes and consequences of migration, with a strong emphasis on the linkages between migration and development.
This lecture is part of traditional series of lectures for alumni: the UM Star Lectures. The other 13 lectures are organized in 13 different cities and 5 countries on the same day, at the same time. This event is organised to reach out to and inspire alumni, share academic insights, experiences and memories, and to create an interconnected UM Alumni Community.
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