
Studium Generale | Lecture Series


Migration takes place for a variety of reasons, which may be economic, social, political or environmental in nature. Due to wars and unstable situations in Arabic and African countries, we have seen lots of movements of large groups of people over the past decade. And there seems to be no end to it. This puts pressure on Europe and raises many questions about aid, refugees, border security, human rights, solidarity, integration, labour market impacts, law and international governance, etc. In this series, we address the developments of migration and different issues of migration law and policies. 

Individual Lectures

1. Migration and Development: the Changing Nexus of Debate (Skeldon/8 Mar)
The lecture will begin by looking at the main global flows of migration and place these in their demographic context. It will consider whether migration is ever increasing and if other significant patterns are emerging. The lecture will then consider the nexus of migration and development. It will assess the role of the three main dimensions of the debate: remittances, skilled migration (and brain drain) and diaspora. The policies that are thought to optimize the developmental impact of migration will be examined and the lecture will conclude by raising a new dimension in the debate: migration as a threat to the development of the state.

2. Migration and the Welfare of Families (Mazzucato/15 Mar)
Migration is often talked about in economic or political terms, yet it has far reaching consequences for families and their well-being. As the basic building block of society, healthy families are important to foster. Most global migration entails the separation of family members when some members migrate and others stay behind, creating transnational families. What does this separation entail for family members and how does it affect the way they are able to function as a family? This lecture will focus on African migration to Europe and asks the question how do European migration policies influence the ways transnational migrant families fare.

3. Citizenship and Immigrant Integration: Reward or Incentive? (Vink/22 Mar)
Can citizenship provide a boost to immigrant integration and, if so, how? In this lecture we discuss the controversial and complex relation between the naturalization of immigrants and their integration within the host society. This relationship is ideologically controversial because some politicians view citizenship as a reward for being a well-integrated immigrant, whereas others see the promise of full membership of the new country of residence and the entitlement to all the rights attached to it as a major incentive for the process of integration. It is also scientifically complex to investigate this question because it is often unclear whether citizenship leads to better integration of immigrants or, vice versa, whether immigrants who are already better integrated are just more likely to naturalize. We discuss key concepts and theories, some comparative facts about citizenship policies in Europe, and findings from ongoing research.

4. The Links between Migration and Corruption (Siegel/29 Mar)
The linkages between migration and corruption are multifaceted and not well understood. On one hand, corruption can be a motivation to migrate both directly and indirectly or corruption could be a reason for migrants to not return to their countries of origin. If those people who are the most unhappy with a corrupt situation in a country leave the country, there could be a ‘morality drain’. However, if migrants who are abroad transmit norms and values of low corruption or low tolerance for corrupt practices, then migration can help to reduce corruption. In another vain, corruption could enable people to flee their countries because of violence or persecution. These links as well as others will be explored in this talk.

5. Do Good Neighbours make Good Fences? EU Migration Policy in a Time of Crisis (Reslow/12 Apr)
In this lecture we uncover the politics of EU migration policy, in the context of the ongoing ‘migration crisis’. In particular, we examine cooperation between the EU and non-EU countries on migration issues – why does the EU (and its member states) favour such cooperation, and why do non-EU countries agree to help the EU patrol its borders? We also discuss the consequences and normative implications of such cooperation in light of the EU’s values and ideals, as well as concern for migrants’ rights.


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