25 Jun
14:00 - 15:30

MCEL Seminars

The Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL) is committed to the study of European law from an interdisciplinary, transnational, and multilingual perspective, focusing on its constitutional and political context. It seeks to foster cooperation between scholars working in the field of European law who are based in Maastricht University and elsewhere.

The activities of the centre include regular organisation of academic conferences and workshops, as well as monthly research seminars to which high-level speakers are invited to discuss a specific topic in the field of EU law. These seminars will take place physically and online.  

In the academic year 2023/2024, the seminars are centred around the theme of "Social justice and EU law". 

Passed seminars:

  • Tuesday 25 June 2024: seminar with Lieneke Slingenberg (University of Amsterdam) on "The 2024 EU Directive on reception conditions for asylum seekers: survival vs. dignity" from 14h until 15h30. This event is co-organised with Jean Monnet Lecture Series
  • Tuesday 28 May 2024: seminar with Eleftheria Neframi (University of Luxembourg) on "Sustainable development in the EU’s external action: constitutional limits to global actorness" from 14h until 15h30.
  • Tuesday 26 March 2024: seminar with Cecilia Malmström (Former EU Commissioner for Trade and Home Affairs) on 'EU Trade Policy and Geopolitics' from 11h until 12h30. This event is co-organised with Globalization & Law Network.
  • Tuesday 20 February 2024 seminar with Martijn van den Brink (Hertie School and Jacques Delors Centre) on 'the CJEU’s social assistance case law from an institutional perspective'  from 14h until 15h30.
  • Tuesday 30 January 2024: seminar with Simona Demkova (Assistant Professor at Leiden University) on "The EU’s human centered digital transformation: what’s behind the name?" from 14h until 15h30. This event is co-organised with the Globalization & Law Network.
  • Tuesday 12 December 2023: seminar with Pieter Pecinovsky (Affiliated Senior Researcher at KU Leuven, Lecturer at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and UCLouvain, Of Counsel at Van Olmen & Wynant Law Firm) on "Next GenerationEU: The Recovery and Resilience Facility as an Implementation Tool of the European Pillar of Social Rights" from 14h until 15h30.
  • Tuesday 21 November 2023: seminar with Maja Brkan (Judge at the General Court of the European Union and Endowed Professor of Digitalisation and EU Law) on “The proposal for the AI Act. An instrument for protecting human rights?" from 14h until 15h30.
  • Wednesday 27 September 2023: seminar with Chiara Armeni (Université Libre de Bruxelles) on "Inequalities and environmental justice in the EU climate transition". This event is co-organized with the Globalization & Law Network.
  • Friday 15 September 2023: Opening Event on Social Europe with Tamara Capeta (Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union), Sacha Garben (Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges), and Marion Simm (Head of Legal Service, Council of the European Union).


    These seminars are organized by Pauline Melin (Maastricht University).

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