22 Jan
19:30 - 21:30
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

Fit boys, fit girls!

This series already started 15 January, but it is possible to join the individual lectures. Coming up: 22 January on Sports and Injuries. Sport and fitness have become more and more important over the past years. Whereas being a student fifteen years ago meant living on a diet of beer and pizza, nowadays students visit the gym after lectures. Shaping your body and keeping it healthy and fit is the new mantra.

But what if you have an injury? How do you recover? Or what should you eat in order to optimise your performance in the gym? What happens to your muscles while training? And what is the relationship between exercise and self-image?

In this lecture series, we will explore these and other questions.

The individual lectures
1. Why do old muscle recovery less  from exercise? And what can we  do about it? (Snijders / 15 Jan)
2. Sports and injuries (Hartgens / 22 Jan)
3. The ins and outs of carbohydrate /  sugar intake in relation to exercise (Meex / 5 Feb)
4. What can my body do? (Alleva / 12 Feb)
5. Sport and protein: how dietary protein can help you adapt to exercise training  (Van Loon / 19 Feb)


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