Dr Enide Maegherman (E.F.L.)

I obtained my PhD in Legal Psychology at Maastricht University (NL) and the University of Gothenburg  (SE) with the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme from the House of Legal Psychology. In my PhD research, I focused on reasoning with evidence in judicial decision-making. Specifically, on the role and use of falsification and alternative scenarios. I researched this topic in various ways, including qualitative and quantitative studies. For a broad overview of my topic, please see http://www.in-mind.org/article/from-pervasive-beliefs-to-wrongful-convictions

Currently, I am teaching various courses at University College Maastricht. Besides teaching, I also continue to be involved in research. Specifically, a project looking at Police Practices and Beliefs about Suspect Interviews in Europe (coordinated by Dr. Jenny Schell-Leugers). In addition, I am also part of the research group Psychology, Science, and Society at UCM, and part of the UCM Methods Lab.