Prof Dr A. de Grip

Andries de Grip is Professor of Economics at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), School of  Business and Economics (SBE), Maastricht University.

Furthermore, he is Research Fellow of the Graduate School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University, IZA (Bonn) and Netspar (University Tilburg). Moreover, he is member of the Labour Market Committee of the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER) and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BIBB. He has been Director of ROA and project leader of a large number of labour market research projects on behalf of several Ministries, the Dutch Public Employment Services and the European Commission. He graduated (‘cum laude’) from the Free University of Amsterdam where he also obtained his PhD. He has published many studies in the field of labour economics, in particular with regard to training, skill mismatches, sustainable employability, human resource management, labour market segmentation, upgrading and overeducation, labour mobility, retirement and manpower forecasting. 

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Overeducation and skills mismatches; Acquisition of skills and skill obsolescence; Human capital development; Human Resource Management; Employability; Wages, job satisfaction and mobility; Training and retirement; Informal learning; Industrial labour market and HR studies; Skill biased technological and organisational change; Labour force participation and Unemployment.

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