Prof Dr A. de Grip

Recent publications
Other publications
  • Poulissen, D., De Grip A., Fouarge, D., & Künn-Nelen, A. (2023). Employers’ willingness to invest in the training of temporary versus permanent workers: a discrete choice experiment. Labour Economics, 84, 102430.
  • Caroline Wehner, Andries de Grip, Harald Pfeifer (2022). Do recruiters select workers with different personality traits for different tasks? A discrete choice experiment, Labour Economics,78,102186,
  • Arjan Non, Ingrid Rohde, Andries de Grip, Thomas Dohmen (2022). Mission of the company, prosocial attitudes and job preferences: A discrete choice experiment, Labour Economics, 74 (2022) 102087
  • Ruud Gerards, Andries de Grip and Arnoud Weustink (2021). Do new ways of working increase informal learning at work? Personnel Review, 50(4),1200-1215.
  • Sanne van Wetten, Ruud Gerards, Andries de Grip (2020). Are graduates’ intrapreneurial skills optimally used for innovation? Technovation, 96-97, [102131].
  • Bram Fleuren, Andries de Grip, IJmert Kant & Fred Zijlstra (2020). Time equals money? A randomized controlled field experiment on four types of training vouchers, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, [103403].
  • Nicolas Salamanca, Andries de Grip, Didier Fouarge, Raymond Montizaan (2020). Locus of Control and Investment in Risky Assets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, 548-568.
  • de Grip, A., Fouarge, D., & Montizaan, R. (2020). Redistribution of individual pension wealth to survivor pensions: Evidence from a stated preferences analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization173, 402-421.
  • de Grip, A., Fouarge, D., Montizaan, R., & Schreurs, B. (2020). Train to retain: Training opportunities, positive reciprocity, and expected retirement age. Journal of Vocational Behavior117, 1-15. [103332].
  • Stynen, D., Jansen, N. W. H.,  Slangen, J. J. M., de Grip, A. Kant, IJ (2019). Need for recovery and different types of early labour force exit: a prospective cohort study among older workers, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 92(5), 683–697.
  • Andries de Grip and Astrid Pleijers (2019), Workshop attendance as a mode of learning: evidence from the Netherlands, Vocations and Learning, 12(3), 361-385.
  • Bram P.I. Fleuren, Andries de Grip, Nicole W.H. Jansen, IJmert Kant & Fred R.H. Zijlstra (2019), Unshrouding the Sphere from the Clouds: Towards a Comprehensive Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Employability, Sustainability 2020, 12, 6366; https://doi:10.3390/su12166366
  • Bram Fleuren, Ludovic van Amelsvoort, Fred Zijlstra, Andries de Grip & IJmert Kant (2018). Handling the reflective-formative measurement conundrum: A practical illustration based on sustainable employability, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 103, 71-81.
  • Bram P.I. Fleuren, Ludovic G.P.M. van Amelsvoort, Andries de Grip, Fred R.H. Zijlstra, and IJmert Kant (2018). Time takes us all? A two wave observational study of age and time effects on sustainable employability, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 44(5), 2018, 475-484.
  • Elsayed, A., de Grip, A., Fouarge, D., & Montizaan, R. (2018). Gradual retirement, financial incentives, and labour supply of older workers: Evidence from a stated preference analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150, 277-294.
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  • Gerards, R., de Grip, A., & Baudewijns, C. (2018). Do new ways of working increase work engagement? Personnel Review, 47(2), 517-534.
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  • Ferreira Sequeda, M., de Grip, A., & van der Velden, R. (2018). Does informal learning at work differ between temporary and permanent workers? Evidence from 20 OECD countries. Labour Economics, 55, 18-40.
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  • Elsayed, A., & de Grip, A. (2018). Terrorism and the integration of Muslim immigrants. Journal of Population Economics, 31(1), 45-67.
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  • Fleur G. Gommans, Nicole W.H.Jansen, Dave Stynen, IJmert Kant and Andries de Grip (2017). The effects of under-skilling on need for recovery, losing employment and retirement intentions among older office workers: A prospective cohort study, International Labour Review, 156 (3-4), 525-548.
  • Anique de Bruin, Ellen Kok, Jill Lobbestael & Andries de Grip (2017). The Impact of an Online Tool for Monitoring and Regulating Learning at University: Overconfidence, Learning Strategy, and Personality”, Metacognition and Learning, 12, 1, 21-43.
  • van Wetten, S., Gerards, R., & de Grip, A. (2017). Intrapreneurial skills, job requirements and innovation in engineering and management jobs.. Paper presented at EURAM conference 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
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