Alie de Boer, Ph.D. (A.)

Alie de Boer is Assistant Professor in the field of nutrition and food law at Campus Venlo of Maastricht University. She studies how scientific findings in the field of nutrition and the legal environment affect each other, for example in the case of novel foods and how to assess safety of food products under this regulation. She is the founder of the Food Claims Centre Venlo, a centre of expertise on functional foods. 

Alie teaches different courses related to nutritional sciences and food law at University College Venlo and gives (guest) lectures on nutrition and health claims and other food law aspects. 


Food safety; European food law; human nutrition; nutritional science; nutrivigilance; nutrition and health claims; functional foods; novel foods; risk assessment; risk management; risk analysis. 

Career history

Alie de Boer studied Nutrition & Health at Wageningen University and after obaining her bachelor’s degree, she enrolled in the masters programme Health Food Innovation Management of Maastricht University. In 2015 she obtained her PhD on the Interaction of food and medicine in effect and law at the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University. Her thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Aalt Bast (dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology; Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences) and Prof. Dr. Ellen Vos (dept. of International and European Law Faculty of Law). From December 2015 she has been active at Campus Venlo of Maastricht University where she currently is Assistant Professor and is responsible for setting up the Food Claims Centre Venlo.