Rob Markus (C.R.)

Recent publications
Other publications

Markus CR (in press) Interaction between the 5-HTTLPR genotype, impact of stressful life events and trait neuroticism on depression symptoms in healthy volunteers. Psychiatric Genetics


Markus CR, Jonkman LM, Capello A, Hush F, Leinders S. (submitted). Sugar lowers the sweet bite of stress as a function of 5-HT transporter gene promoter polymorphism. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Markus CR, Capello A. (2012) Contribution of the 5-HTTLPR gene by neuroticism on weight gain in male and female subjects. Psychiatric Genetics 22; 279-285.

Verschoor E., Markus CR. (2012) Physiological and affective reactivity to a 35% CO2 inhalation challenge in individuals differing in the 5-HTTLPR genotype and trait neuroticism. European Neuropsychopharmacology 22; 546-554.

Markus CR, Verschoor E, Smeets T. (2012) Differential effect of the 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) on emotional eating during stress exposure following tryptophan challenge Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 23; 410-416.


Firk C, Siep N, Markus CR. (2012) Serotonin transporter genotype modulates cognitive reappraisal of negative emotions: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN)


Verschoor E and Markus CR (2011) Affective and neuroendocrine stress reactivity to an academic examination: influence of the 5-HTTLPR genotype and trait neuroticism. Biological Psychology 87: 439-449.


Markus CR, Raedt R. (2011) Effects of 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms on inhibition of emotional information after tryptophan challenge. Neuropsychopharmacology 36; 819-826

Verschoor E, Markus CR (2011) Effects of acute psychosocial stress exposure on endocrine and affective reactivity in college students differing in the 5-HTTLPR genotype and trait neuroticism. Stress Early Online; 1-13


Markus CR, Verschoor E, Firk C, Kloek J, Gerhardt, CC. (2010). Effect of tryptophan-rich hydrolyzed egg protein on brain tryptophan availability, stress and performance. Clinical Nutrition 29; 610-616.


Verschoor E, Finlayson G, Blundell J, Markus CR, King NA. (2010). Effects of an acute a-lactalbumin manipulation on mood and food hedonics in high- and low-trait anxiety individuals. British Journal of Nutrition 104(4); 595-602.

Markus CR, Firk C (2009). Differential effects of tri-allelic 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms in healthy subjects on mood and stress performance after tryptophan challenge. Neuropsychopharmacology 34; 2667-2674.


Firk C, Markus CR. (2009). Differential effects of 5-HTTLPR genotypes on mood, memory and attention bias following acute tryptophan depletion and stress exposure. Psychopharmacology 203: 805-818.

Firk C, Markus CR. (2009). Mood and cortisol responses following tryptophan-rich hydrolyzed protein and acute stress in healthy subjects with high and low cognitive reactivity to depression. Clinical Nutrition 28; 266-271.

Markus CR, Firk C, Gerhardt C, Kloek J, Smolders GJF (2008). Effect of different tryptophan sources on amino acids availability to the brain and mood in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology 201; 107-114.

Firk C, Markus CR (2008). Effects of acute tryptophan depletion on affective processing in first-degree relatives of depressive patients and controls after exposure to uncontrollable stress. Psychopharmacology 199; 151-160.

Markus CR (2008). Dietary amino acids and brain 5-HT function; implications for stress and stress-related affective changes. NeuroMolecular Medicine 10; 247-258.

Jonkman LM, van Melis JM, Kemner C, Markus CR (2007). Methylphenidate improves deficiënt error evaluation in children with ADHD: an event-related brain potential study. Biological Psychology, 76: 217-229. 7

Markus CR (2007). Effects of carbohydrates on brain tryptophan availability and stress performance. Biological Psychology, 76: 83-90.


Markus CR, Jonkman LM. (2007). Attention Switching after dietary brain 5-HT challenge in high impulsive subjects. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21(7): 700-708.


C. Firk, CR Markus (2007). Serotonin by stress interaction a susceptibility factor for the development of depression? Journal of Psychopharmacology 21(5): 538-544.

Jans L., Riedel W, Markus CR, Blokland A. (2007). Serotonergic vulnerability and depression: assumptions, experimental evidence and implications. Molecular Psychiatry 12; 255-543.


Markus CR, Jonkman LM, Lammers JHCM, Deutz NEP. (2006) Evening dietary tryptophan improves post-sleep behavioral and brain measures of memory function in healthy subjects. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research 4(2); 79-88.

Booij L, Merens  W, Markus CR, Van der Does W. (2006) Diet rich in α-lactalbumin improves memory in unmedicated recovered depressed patients and matched controls. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20(4); 526-535

Markus CR, Jonkman LM, Lammers JHCM, Deutz NEP, Messer M, Rigtering N. (2005) Evening intake of alpha-lactalbumin raises brain tryptophan availability and improves morning alertness and brain measures of attention. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 81, 1026-1033.

Schmitt J, Jorissen BL, Dye LD, Markus CR, Deutz NEP, Riedel WJ (2005). Memory function in women with premenstrual complaints and the effect of serotonergic stimulation by acute administration of an alpha-lactalbumin protein. Journal of Psychopharmacology 19: 375-384

Merens W, Booij L, Markus CR, Zitman F, van der Does AJW. (2005). The effects of a diet enriched with alpha-lactalbumin on mood, stress and cognitive functions in recovered depressed patients. British Journal of Nutrition, 94, 415-422.

Markus CR, Sierksma A, Verbeek C, van Rooijen JJM, Patel HJ, Brand N, Hendriks H. (2004). Effects of low doses of alcohol consumption on the plasma ratio tryptophan to the other large neutral amino acids, mood and performance. British Journal of Nutrition 92, 995-1000.

Markus CR, Lammers JHCM. (2003). Effects of ginkgo biloba on corticosterone stress responses after inescapable shock exposure. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 76, 487-492.


Markus CR. Food, stress and mood. (2003). In: Wadson, D. and Dodds, F., Eds., Performance Functional Foods. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.

Markus CR. (2003). Animal studies revealing positive dietary effects on cognitive performance: a brief review. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research 1(1); 89-96.


Markus CR (2002). New insight in the beneficial effects of food on mood and performance: evidence for interference between stress and brain 5-HT. Agro Food Industry High Tech,13(5): 21-23


Markus CR., Olivier B., EHF de Haan. (2002). Whey protein rich in alpha-lactalbumin increases the plasma Trp/LNAA ratio, and improves cognitive performance in stress-vulnerable subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75; 1051-1056.

Markus CR., Klöpping-Ketelaars W.I., Pasman W., Klarenbeek B., van de Berg H. (2000). Dose-    dependent effect of alpha-lactalbumin in combination with two different doses of glucose on the    plasma ratio Trp/LNAA. Nutritional Neuroscience, Vol3, 345-355.

Markus CR., Olivier B., Panhuysen G., Gugten J. van de, Alles M. Westenberg H., Fekkes D.,     Koppeschaar H., De Haan EHF (2000). The bovine protein  Alpha-Lactalbumin increases the plasma Trp/LNAA, and in vulnerable subjects it raises brain serotonin activity, reduces cortisol and improves mood under stress. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 71, 1536-1544.


Markus CR., Panhuysen G., Tuiten A., Koppeschaar H. (2000). Effects of food on cortisol and mood in vulnerable subjects under controllable and uncontrollable stress. Physiology & Behavior, 70, 333-42.

Markus CR. De relatie tussen voeding, stress en stemming. (2000). Tijdschrift voor Huisartsgeneeskunde, 17(10), 342-347.

Markus CR., Panhuysen G., Jonkman, L., Bachman M. (1999). Carbohydrate intake improves       cognitive performance of stress-prone individuals under controllable laboratory stress. British Journal of Nutrition, 82, 457-467.

Markus CR. Relations between stress, food and mood: a role for brain serotonin. University Utrecht. Elinkwijk Press, Utrecht. ISBN 90-393-2088-8. 0-160.

Markus CR., Panhuysen G., Tuiten A., Koppeschaar H., Fekkes D. & Peters M. (1998). Does carbohydrate, protein poor food prevent a deterioration of mood and cognitive performance of stress-prone subjects when subjected to a stressful task? Appetite, 31, 49-65.

Markus CR., Tuiten A. (1998). Relatie tussen voeding, stress en stemming: wordt onze stemming beïnvloed door wat wij eten?. Voeding, 5, 20-23

Markus CR, Lammers J.H.C.M. (2001). Effects of Scopolamine and Physostygmine on delayed spatial alternation performance in rats in an operant chamber: a validation study. TNO report Nr. 2862, August, 1-36.

Markus CR. (2000). Effects of an extract Ginkgo biloba (Egb 761) with different G. (1996). Sweet medicine of depression: relation between stress,   carbohydrates and mood. Published abstract presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the   Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Banff, Canada. Appetite, 27, 292.