Rob Markus (C.R.)
Rob Markus is a biological and experimental Psychologist with a particular interest in nutraceutical research. By fulfilling several research and project-managing positions at different universities and TNO, he became an international recognized expert on the relation between food, brain function and stress-related psychopathology. More precisely, he is an expert-in-field in (stress-related) brain vulnerability for depression and in developing and testing dietary assessment and treatment methods. He initiated several research projects on the effect of dietary brain 5-HT manipulation in stress- or genetically vulnerable subjects and frequently publishes in high impact international journals.
Besides research, Markus also has a career in teaching Psychology as well as in training communication- and managerial skills; he obtained his teachers certificate, worked as teaching associate or trainer at several institutes and universities and supervised education-related (strategic-) projects.
Rob Markus (C.R.)
Associate Professor Neuropsychology & Psychopharmacology