Dr Chris Pawley (C.J.)

Chris Pawley is a physicist and materials scientist specializing in the behavior of materials in harsh conditions, such as high temperature or pressure environments, high power application or under irradiation from energetic particles. His PhD was concerned with the behavior of candidate materials for fusion reactors using in-situ ion-irradiation and transmission electron microscopy techniques. He is skilled in electron microscopy and  associated sample preparation, particularly for hard materials. His interests also lie in modelling physical phenomena using MATLAB, FORTRAN and similar programming languages. In addition to his current post, he is a visiting scientist with the electron microscopy and materials analysis (EMMA) group at University of Huddersfield, UK

  • Electron Microscopy (TEM|SEM)
  • Sample Preparation and (pre-) implantation
  • Simulation and modelling of complication (biological, physical) systems


Career history

PhD  Materials and Physics Research Center, University of Salford, UK
MPhys Physics, University of Salford, UK