Latest blog articles

  • Alla

    The Alla

    There are many inevitable things that we have to go through in life from the moment we are born: learning how to eat using a fork, learning to use the toilet, saying ‘thank you’, etc. This sequence of proper societal integration continues until we are adults. We always have to adapt to our...

  • It is time for tax return once again. Millions of taxpayers will submit their 2016 tax declarations between 1 March and 1 May 2017. This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • In the context of (EU) VAT, Nellen’s dissertation illustrates that information procurement by the entrepreneur can be a challenging affair. 

  • Have you ever considered of enjoying your retirement elsewhere, perhaps in a sunnier European destination?  (Dutch only)

  • The European Union’s Court of Justice finally rendered its judgement in the famous Banco Santander and Autogrill cases on 21 December 2016. For state aid specialists and tax lawyers this decision was bound to be a landmark case whatever way it would turn out.

  • Published on LBM. Social dumping is a difficult issue at present in political institutions, both national and European. In short, social dumping, workforce in most cases are working under appalling conditions by being seconded in other countries.  This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • Keir Plaice, a former semi-professional cyclist and 3rd year Bachelor Arts and Culture student, is embarking on a cycling ride of a lifetime. He is riding the route of the original Tour de France of 1903 and documenting his experience in his Le Grand Tour column in the cycling magazine Soigneur...

  • Every year since 2009, fashionistas descend to Maastricht as the city hosts the FASHIONCLASH Festival. It has attracted more than 900 talents from 50 different countries. This year’s 8th edition is bigger and better, involving more than 150 designers and artists from all over the world who will...

  • The 40 of Limburg

    The 40 of Limburg

    A group of UM professors, staff, students and relations opened the ’40 of Limburg’ route last Friday, which is a bike route through the hills of Limburg to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Maastricht University. The route is open for everyone so you can explore the hills in Limburg yourself!

  • In a few weeks, Maastricht will play host to the vibrant WE Festival. But what is it? This week we met with Alexandra Frank. A third-year Arts and Culture student, she has been involved with the annual WE Festival since her first year and currently leads its programme committee. Read on to hear more...