MEPLI and IDS team wins Commission tender
A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the UM Faculty of Law and the Institute of Data Science (Caroline Cauffman, Gijs van Dijck, Michel Dumontier, Catalina Goanta, Monika Leszczyńska, Kody Moodley and Pedro Hdez Serrano) recently won the tender JUST/2018/CONS/PR/CO01/0123 – Exploratory Study: Exploring IT/AI tools for monitoring online markets for consumer policy purposes. The aim of the project is to identify and make an inventory of IT and AI tools that are or can be made useful for online market surveillance for consumer policy development purposes and for the enforcement of consumer protection legislation. In addition, it aims to develop options and recommendations for action to integrate the use of such tools in online market monitoring for policy development at EU level for EU and national consumer policy enforcement. Do reach out to us researchers if you are building/using such tools!

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