Maastricht Law Student Research Prize 2012

by: in Law

Maastricht Law Student Research Prize 2012 – an essay competition aimed at encouraging high-level research amongst our student body.

Just a caveat to our international readership: this post is aimed at the Maastricht law student, and is not strictly on European private law.

I am pleased, on behalf of the faculty, to announce the Maastricht Law Student Research Prize 2012 – an essay competition aimed at encouraging high-level research amongst our student body. Prizes are awarded in the Bachelors and Masters categories, and all students enrolled in the law faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are in principle eligible to apply. Essays may be written in Dutch or in English, and there is no restriction as to the topic of choice.

Registration of interest may be made by Friday 30 November 2012 to, and consists of a resumé, transcript, and a 400-word abstract of your research question. The closing date for submission of the essay is 19 April 2013.

More information can be found here:

Research Prize EN  Research Prize NL

Furthermore, an information session will be held between 1 and 1.30 pm on Friday 2 November in room B.0113 (conducted in English) and room D.0225 (conducted in Dutch). Please spread the word – and I hope to see you there!