Coomans, F. (2024). The Need to Protect the Human Rights of Future Generations: Introducing the Maastricht Principles on the Human Rights of Future Generations. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 18(1), 176-181.
Coomans, F., Künnemann, R., & Neef, A. (2023). Filling gaps in international human rights law to address global land and resource grabbing: Extraterritorial human rights law obligations of states and the rights of future generations. In A. Neef, C. Ngin, T. Moreda, & S. Mollett (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing (pp. 459-467). Taylor and Francis.
Coomans, F. (2023). Towards 2122 and Beyond: Developing the Human Rights of Future Generations. Netherlands quarterly of human rights, 41(1), 53-60.
Shawa, R., Coomans, F., Cox, H., & London, L. (2023). A promising potential: Using the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress to advance public health in Africa. African Human Rights Law Journal, 23(1), 30-47.
Yu, L., & Coomans, F. (2022). Extraterritorial Aspects of the Fundamental Rights Articles in the Constitution of China. Hong Kong Law Journal, 52(2), 683-708.
Coomans, F. (2022). 4 - SDG 4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All. In J. Ebbesson, & E. Hey (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law (pp. 117-139). Cambridge University Press.
Coomans, F. (2022). Towards 2122 and Beyond: Developing the Human Rights of Future Generations. Maastricht University.
Coomans, F. (2022). Education and Work. In D. Moeckli, S. Shah, & S. Sivakumaran (Eds.), International Human Rights Law (Fourth ed., pp. 235-256). Oxford University Press.
Coomans, F. (2022). Een nieuwe toekomst voor sociale grondrechten. In S. Hardt, M. Eliantonio, & A. P. van der Mei (Eds.), (L)AW Matters: Blogs and Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Aalt willem Heringa (pp. 166-169).
Coomans, F. (2022). The Precautionary Principle and its Relevance for the Protection of the Human Rights of Future Generations. Web publication/site, SSRN.