Alumni Benefits

It pays off to be an alum! Discover which discounts, free programmes, and benefits the UM has to offer her graduates. 

Discover your benefits

UM Career Services

UM Sports

UM SPORTS is thé place to exercise in Maastricht, also after you graduate. You can keep doing your favourite group classes, training sessions or sports and/or train in the gym. Keep exercising with a discount at UM SPORTS, even after your studies: UM alumni can stay a member at a reduced rate. On the UM SPORTS website you will find all information about the sports programmes, the various memberships and the rates.

Never been to the University Sports Centre before? Besides a large gym and 3 sports halls, the University Sports Centre offers a catering facility, a climbing wall, 3 squash courts, a physiotherapist, a Spinning Studio and a Body & Mind Studio. With a day pass, you can try out the sports on offer for a whole day without any obligation.

Visit the front desk in the University Sports Centre (P. Debyeplein 15 in Maastricht) to become a member. Bring a copy / photo of your diploma and your debit card. More info:

UM sports

UM Language Centre

Do you need another language for your career? Would you like to improve your speaking skills and or perhaps make yourself feel more confident and at ease when giving presentations in another language? The UM Language Centre offers alumni a discount when attending language courses. As a graduate, you pay the same price as the employees of the university.

The UM Language Centre provides language courses for you as alumni weather you are an individual or in-company with a group. We offer courses in English, Dutch, French, Spanish, German and Italian, from beginner to advanced level. Courses are taught by experienced professional teachers, many of whom have work experience in the business world. So would you like to brush up your English or learn Italian, Russian or another new modern foreign language. Are you looking for a language course in German, Spanish, Chinese or Portuguese? This is the right place for you.

Maybe a lack of confidence is holding you back from speaking Dutch? Learning Dutch will make your life in the Netherlands a lot easier.

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UM Library

The University Library offers alumni the following services:

  • Access to two library locations (inner city and Randwyck)
  • Explanation on the spot by library staff about the services you can expect 
  • Use of all hardcopy and electronic* information sources in the building, including material from the learning spaces and depot.
  • Borrowing books from own collection (maximal 10 books at once)
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL): requests for books and periodicals from other libraries.
  • Free participation in information skills education from the University Library, such as specific training in how to search specialised databases. 

*Most electronic information sources are unfortunately not available to you from home or elsewhere due to licenses, but require a physical presence in the University Library.

To gain access to these services, we ask you to become a member of the University Library at a a reduced rate. This membership is personal and for private use only. There are also costs associated with ILL. Visit the service desk at the UB to become a member; bring a copy of your diploma (may also be a picture) and bank card.

You can find more information on the UB website here. Do you have questions about the membership for alumni? Contact Ask your librarian


FPN Practical Trainings

As a FPN alumn, under certain conditions, it is possible to participate in individual courses offered by the faculty, as a so-called Non-Degree Seeking Student.

  • If you have a UM Bachelor’s diploma, you are eligible for the courses of the Master in Psychology programme. Based on your relevant preparatory training (and relevant work/professional experience) the Board of Examiners determines if you qualify for the course(s) concerned.
  • Students with a Maastricht University Master's degree in Psychology can follow the theoretical blocks of another Master in Psychology specialization.
    As FPN graduate you get a discount on the fees. This offer is valid until one year after graduation.
  • Students who have obtained an FPN Bachelor's degree and a FPN Master's degree in Psychology (specializations DP, HS, NP and LP) can follow a practical training to meet the requirements for the Base-registration Psychodiagnostics (BAPD - Basis Aantekening Psychodiagnostiek) and Healthcare Requirement (GZ-verklaring).

    Find more info here


The UMagazine is an English-language magazine, specially meant for the external relations of Maastricht University and our alumni. It provides news and background information about education and research at UM, about alumni, alumni affairs and fundraising. It appears three times a year.

As an alum, you can receive a copy at home - for free! Subscribe to the UMagazine by sending an email to State your date and place of birth, so we can verify your identity.

Jan Ramaekers

LAW.Next, as part of the Faculty of Law, helps legal professionals to look at current developments and challenges in this contemporary society in an innovative way. Their teachers train and inspire with their legal knowledge and offer tools and skills to cope with current and future challenges in your work field.

UM Alumni get 10% discount! 
Visit the website or follow their LinkedIn page

Studium Generale

Studium Generale offers a programme of lectures, debates and talkshows; lecture series; art, film, theatre, and poetry events and more. SG also organizes the biennial PAS Festival. Most activities are free (and otherwise quite cheap) and open to everyone who wants to broaden their horizon. For the full programme, have a look at our website, or follow us on Instagram.

Studium Generale