Don’t share passwords and pincodes with others (including your colleagues)!

If you give your password to someone else, for example so they can look at something, you’re usually giving away more than you realise at that moment. Giving access to your mailbox or calendar means giving access to your salary slip or rights to perform other actions in UM systems. If problems arise, you don’t want to suspect your colleague. You can prevent this type of situation by taking your responsibility and keeping your password to yourself.

Would you still like to share information with others?  Here are some tips:

  • You can share your agenda with colleagues via so-called delegation rights (you can give those rights yourself).
  • For your mailbox, you can request to give access to others if that is really necessary.
  • For shared files, request a separate directory on the J:-, L:- or P:- drive where your colleague can log in with his/her own password.
  • Files can be shared securely with others, also outside UM, using tools such as SURFdrive and SURFfilesender.
  • Ask your local ICT support officer or the Servicedesk ICTS for advice.

Stinginess is a virtue!

Cartoon: Ruben L. Oppenheimer