Tamara Schloemer (T.)
Tamara Schloemer joined the Department of International Health as a researcher in 2017. She worked on research questions related to the Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) project (https://www.childhealthservicemodels.eu/). Her main focus is on transferability of health interventions within (and beyond) the European Union with regard to the diversity of countries, regions and communities. Her research interest is on the systematization and assessment of criteria for transferability to enhance evidence-based public health and successful transfer of health interventions into diverse practice contexts for the improvement of health services. She is developing a tool for evaluating transferability and context-specific implementation of health interventions.
Tamara is PhD Candidate. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Public Health at the University of Bielefeld and also holds a European Master of Public Health from the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER). In addition, she finished the Master of Governance and Leadership in European Public Health at Maastricht University.