On the homepage of the Student Portal you have access to: your daily calendar, announcements, deadlines & exams and navigation.
Daily calendar
Academic program for today
Next/previous day
Link to course details (book icon)
See who is participating in this event (person icon)
Link to full calendar
Read course, organisation and general announcements
Last 7 days highlighted
Older announcements remain accessible
Remark: announcements are also shown in the course details per course in Canvas
Deadlines & exams
Most urgent deadlines (upcoming week) and exams are shown on homepage
Link to course details (book icon)
Link to courses overview (pen icon)
Link to all deadlines and exams
Menu can be collapsed or expanded with the arrows to create more or less screen space
Portal messages
Different types of messages can be published for a given period of time:
Alert messages (yellow background) and Information messages (blue background).
When you log in on the Student Portal new messages are shown by default in a pop-up screen.
Portal messages (2)
Once you close the messages pop-up screen you can reopen the pop-up by clicking the notifications icon at the top right corner of the screen and selecting the wanted message from the list.
A Welcome message will only be shown at your first logon session. Once a Welcome message has been clicked away by you it is not available anymore.
When there are no messages the notifications icon is not visible.