Diploma Supplement

As a graduate of Maastricht University, whether you have bachelor's or a master's degree, you will automatically receive a Diploma Supplement at no extra charge.  

What is a Diploma Supplement? 

The Diploma Supplement is an internationally recognised document that accompanies your diploma. It provides an independent assessment of the nature, level, context, content, and status of the programme you successfully completed. 

Key features

  • International recognition: The Diploma Supplement is designed to enhance transparency and facilitate the recognition of your diploma abroad. 
  • Objective information: It describes your degree programme without any value judgments. 
  • Language: The Diploma Supplement is issued exclusively in English. 



  • Clarity and detail: Offers a clear, detailed description of your studies, which can be particularly useful for further education or job applications. 
  • Global mobility: Makes it easier for employers and educational institutions worldwide to understand and acknowledge your qualifications. 

Want to see an example?

If you would like to review an example of the Diploma Supplement, you can request one from your faculty.